
Android vs iOS vs Windows Phone – Comparison of Mobile OS

Day-by-day, the competition among different mobile OSs like Android, iOS and Windows Phone has been increased. But which platform is more powerful? Which one is ruling the market and offers a lot of features?
In this infographic, you can find huge information about Android, iOS and Windows Phone. It is a fair comparison between these three platforms, so it will be easy for users to choose one such platform that can suffice their requirements.
The infographic contains detail information about these three platforms like overview, initial release date, current versions, advantages & disadvantages, number of applications, statistical data on popularity of the platform and more.
It is not surprising that iOS platform is more secure than Android, but Android offers huge flexibility to its users. While Windows Phone’s tile experience is completely best.
What you think which platform is more powerful? Which One is ruling the heart of people? Go through this infographic and get detail information on each platform. You can also share your views by commenting below and let us know is there anything that we missed?


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