
Setup Proxy Setting - Setting Up The Proxy Using IP Address

For  chrome and Internet Explorer Users:

Google Chrome uses the same network settings as Internet Explorer. So, in order to configure Google Chrome to use a proxy server, you have to configure Internet Explorer. You can configure a proxy server in Internet Explorer by following the instructions given below:-
  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on ToolsInternet Options.
  3. Click on Connections Tab, select your Network Connection and click on Settings.
  4. Check on Use a Proxy Server for this Connection.
  5. In the Address field, add the IP Address of your Proxy server. In the Port field, enter the Port Number.
  6. Click on OK and OK again.

 For Mozilla firefox Users:

  1. Start Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Click on ToolsOptions.
  3. Click on Advanced Tab.
  4. Click on Network tab.
  5. Click on Settings.
  6. Encircle Manual Proxy Configuration.
  7. Enter the IP Address and Port Number at the appropriate place. In most cases, it will be a HTTP server. 
 After sucessfully setup of proxy in your browser you can  browse or surf the blocked websites in your browser at any  time.


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