
Infographic: What happens in an Internet minute?

Nearly three years ago, big data and business intelligence specialists Domo created an infographic to highlight the staggering amount of digital data generated on the Internet every minute. They revisited the topic with this 'Data Never Sleeps 2.0' graphic, and unsurprisingly, it reflected the accelerating growth of digital data generation online.


According to Domo, new technologies continue to emerge that allow people to create and share information in ways never before possible. A few snapshots - every minute of the day: Twitter users tweet 277,000 times, Google receives over 4 million search queries, Facebook users share 2.46 million pieces of content, Skype users connect for 23,300 hours, and Apple users download 48,000 apps.
It's almost inconceivable to comprehend the vast amount of data being created on the Internet every 60 seconds, but this infographic helps put some of it into perspective. And with the continuing growth of the Internet population across the globe as more people with Internet access tap into the World Wide Web, these numbers, as incredible as they are, will exponentially increase over time.


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