
Microsoft details Windows 10 for Internet of Things

Microsoft has outlined a huge part of its Internet of Things plans through a slew of announcements made at its annual Convergence 2015 conference.
Among the announcements is a new Azure IoT (Internet of Things) Suite designed to help industrial customers manage "things" and Windows 10 for IoT to provide a cross-platform offering for enterprises.
Microsoft Azure IoT Suite is an integrated offering that uses relevant Azure capabilities, simplified billing and easy provisioning to assist enterprises in managing, connecting and analyzing "things." The solution will provide finished apps that target common IoT scenarios like asset management, predictive maintenance and remote monitoring.
As part of this, Azure Stream Analytics will be made available in April as part of Azure IoT or as a standalone service and allows industries to process huge data sets in real time, data from "things" and services so that detailed insights can be gained.

Windows 10 for IoT

Alongside this, Windows 10 for IoT provides one platform with universal apps and driver models across a range of platforms, plus enterprise-grade security from the device to the cloud and native connectivity for machine-to-machine and machine-to-cloud.
There will be a number of different versions of Windows 10 for IoT depending on the device and they are expected to be revealed later this year after Windows 10 is released.


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