
All You Should Know About PhoneGap – Features, Advantages & Disadvantages

PhoneGap, a highly popular cross-platform framework, enables developers to develop an application that runs smoothly in multiple mobile platforms. Here, you can get huge information about this high-end framework, so continue reading this blog and you can also share your views by commenting below!

You Should Know About PhoneGap
In the last couple of years, cross-platform app development has caught the attention of various developers as it is an extremely simple utilization of different technologies to develop a single mobile app that runs on multiple mobile platforms like iOS, Android, Windows Phone and more.
Day-by-day, it is gaining more and more popularity as a one-stop solution, so developers can opt for it and save their huge efforts and time. When it comes to develop a cross-platform application, PhoneGap is an excellent cross-platform mobile app development framework that is making the rounds globally in terms of both popularity as well as critical acclaim.
So, what are those unique things that make PhoneGap a perfect solution for your porject? Let’s have a look on complete information about this high-end solution that you should know:
Being a free and open source framework, PhoneGap enables people to develop mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms that you are looking for. The best thing about this cross-platform framework is that it delivers a comprehensive range of features that can make mobile app development a lot easier and simpler.

Features of PhoneGap Framework

Robust Backend –
PhoneGap provides a highly innovative backend system that can be assisted in high speed development that reduces development efforts. For first time developers, this cross-platform framework has a beginner’s guide that speeds up the process further.
Open Source Nature –
The best feature of this framework is its importantly free software because of its open source license. It means that the PhoneGap community instantly compiles new code and modules, which can be picked up for free of cost; therefore, developers can get more help.
Flexibility –
PhoneGap is a highly flexible platform that enables mobile developers to develop any type and category of mobile application without any serious efforts and special knowledge. Developers of all degrees are familiar with basic knowledge or languages like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, so developing mobile apps on PhoneGap platform does not require any developer to learn a new set of languages.

Advantages to Business Owners

Compatible on All The Platforms –
As we all know that all the businesses had a lot of problems with the uniformity across multiple platforms, but with the inception of cross-platform app development, they have taken a sigh.
Earlier, an application that developed for the iOS platform often functioned and looked different from the one that developed for the Android platform, but now PhoneGap exceptionally abolishes this issue by allowing developers to develop an app by giving a uniform look and feel on all the platforms.
Based on HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript –
PhoneGap works on HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript not like native app development. For business owners, the framework has made it a lot easier to use their own firm’s development center as these are all browser based skills that do not need any expert input.
Two Tasks with Only One Effort –
One of the major advantages of PhoneGap platform is the ability to develop a single application that works on all the mobile platforms obtainable in the market. When it considers as a business owner’s and developer’s point of view, it is a big win. To businesses, they have to spend less money on development task while developers have to make less effort to accomplish a single task.
Supports Smartphone Core –
The best thing about this framework is its capability to tap into a smartphone’s hardware such accelerometer, the camera, geo-location hardware and more. Mainly, these properties are of native applications that PhoneGap has managed to include into itself. It makes life of business owners a lot easier, who are looking forward for utilizing for development without compromising on User Experience (UX).

Disadvantages of PhoneGap

  • The Platform can be inefficient when working for native applications.
  • It does not support all the functionalities.
  • PhoneGap can be a bit misleading.
  • The framework allows developers to develop apps only for one time, than it will charge some monthly fees.
  • As compare to other platforms, PhoneGap does not perform well.
So, this is the complete information of PhoneGap platform, including features, advantages and disadvantages. For newbies, it is extremely useful information as they know all about PhoneGap.


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