
Expected and Unexpected Specifications of HTML6

Being a simple web development language, HTML rolls with its latest versions in every stipulated time-frame. This time, HTML6 is introduced which is compiled of namespaces that structured on the XML and the standard HTML. Check out this post to know more about HTML6.

HTML has one of the most proven and transformational platforms that come with new versions in every stipulated time-frame.
Right now, HTML has started working on its 6th version, i.e. HTML6. However, the current version is considered as one of the most sought-after revisions as compare to all the older versions.
HTML5 provides a new dimension to developers about how to do job of developing web application of the highest orders by using important elements like <menu>, <nav>, <header>, <menuitem>, etc.
With HTML5, developers can get some exciting features like offline local storage, audio and video support, and ability to develop mobile optimized websites.
Moreover, it also provides freedom from using type attribute from tags like <script> and <link>. It also helps developers to organize content in the more relevant manners by using tags like <section>, <article>, etc.
We cannot say HTML5 a truly semantic markup as it is still in its development stage.

What Exactly HTML6 Is?

Those developers, who haven’t wondered that they could express tags then just suppose by using tags like <toolbar></toolbar>, <logo></logo> for assigning a logo to the web page and so on.
HTML6 Developers could also use the <div> tag without using various ids’ like container or wrappers instead of using <container> and <wrapper> directly.
You can simply use <container> rather than <div id=’container’>. This is where you will find HTML6.
The sixth revision of HTML, i.e. HTML6 comes with namespaces and has structure like XML. Using XML namespaces, you can use the same tag without conflicting with any other tag. For example: One can use in the XHTML DOCTYPE:
The advantage of using tags will be provided by HTML6 that you want and won’t have to use only the defined tags.
See the Sample of HTML6
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
        <html:meta type="title" value="Page Title">
        <html:meta type="description" value="HTML example with namespaces">
        <html:link src="css/mainfile.css" title="Styles" type="text/css">
        <html:link src="js/mainfile.js" title="Script" type="text/javascript">
                <html:media type="image" src="images/xyz.png">
               <html:a href="/img1">a1</a>
               <html:a href="/img2">a2</a>
                <h1>Heading of main article</h1>
                <h2>Sub-heading of main article</h2>
                <h1>The concept of HTML6</h1>
                <h2>Understanding the basics</h2>
            <copyright>This site is &copy; to Anonymous 2014</copyright>
Considering above HTML6 document, we will see some odd <html:x> tags. Such odd tags are the namespaced elements that belong to the HTML6 spec and W3C and will also activate browser events.
One of the best things about such elements are it particularly defined for users and don’t have anything to accomplish with the browsers. One cannot find more than hooks for JavaScript and style sheet and helps to create your sample code more semantic.

List of HTML6 APIs

We will find the namespace html like <html:html> or <html: head> and so on in HTML6 tags. Now, you have to check out each tag attributes that used in the above HTML6 example document.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html:html>// this is equivalent to <html> tag written in previous HTML versions
  <!-- sample of HTML document -->
This tag is equal to <head> tag, but it comes with an aim to get data and scripts that twists how the content is showed within the <html:body> tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Main content would come here, like the <html:title> tag -->
With the help of this tag, you can simply link external documents and scripts (like CSS, JS etc.) to the HTML document. It is the same to <link> tag that used in HTML5. Below given are attributes that used I in this tag.
  • type: The MIME type of the document.
  • media: This defines the kind of device on which your item will run, for example, “Smartphone” or “tablet”.
  • charset: “UTF-8″ character encoding.
  • href: It contains link to your source file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
 <html:link src="js/mainfile.js" title="Script" type="text/javascript">
The title of the HTML document will be changed by this tag and seems to be same to the <title> tag that used in earlier HTML versions. Browsers use this tag for changing the title bar, favorites, and so on.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
This <meta> tag is different from the latest HTML version. In HTML6, using this tag enable to sort of any Meta data. One cannot find the standard Meta types in HTML6 unlike HTML5. With this tag, you can simply collect information like webpage description by storing content.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
    <html:meta type="description" value="HTML example with namespaces">
It looks like the <body> tag that we are using in the current HTML versions. In this tag, you will find all your website stuff like media, text and others.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
    <!-- This is where your website content is placed -->
All the <media> tags like <video>, <img>, <embed>, etc are wrapped by this tag. One cannot have to specify a tag for each of the file type, once they used <html:media> tag. The browser based on the type attribute will execute the <html:media> tag or it will make guess on the basis of the file extension, or by the ‘MIME type’.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
    <!-- Image would come here -->
    <html:media src="img1/logo.jpg" type="image">
    <!-- Video doesn't need a type -->
    <html:media src="videos/slide.mov">
This tag is also similar to the <a> tag and can be used to represent a link to other web page. <html:a> takes only a single ‘href’ attribute that directs that links to the page that you require to visit.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
    <html:a href="http://siteurl">Go to siteurl.com!</html:a>
This tag is equal to <button> tag or <input type=”button”> that used in all versions of HTML. With this tag, you can simply create a button that helps a user to perform some interaction on your site’s page. You will find one attribute disabled.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html:title>A Look Into HTML6</html:title>
    <html:button>Click Here</html:button>

An Overview of Tag types

HTML6 comes with two different types of tags like single tags and double tags, just like other versions of HTML. In single tags, you won’t find any text content, instead you have attributes only. For example:
<html:meta type=”author” content=”z13a”>
<html:meta type=”author” content=”z13a” />
One cannot require closing their single tag, as compare to the double tag. You will find opening and closing tag in double tags as they come with some text content.
However, in the double tags, if you don’t have any text based content, you can simply reduce it to the ‘self-closing single variant’. For example:
<html:link href="./a.html">Text based content</html:link>
<!-- This shortand... -->
<foo class="xyz" />
<!-- ...means in fact this: -->
<foo class="xyz"></foo>
Wrapping Text:
HTML6 soon lands in the mobile market and our developers are ready to develop HTML6 apps once it is available for development task. 


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