
List of Most Addictive Websites for People

1. Console Living Room

Created by the Internet Archives, you can play 900 classic arcade games in your browser. It is in first position for most addictive websites for programmers.

2. Reddit

Reddit is one of the most addictive websites for millions of people worldwide. According to traffic stats the site makes a little less than 1 million unique visitors every day and 90% of them are returning users.

3. The useless web

Similar to StumbleUpon (which can also be addictive), but instead of useful and educational sites it shows you completely useless one. You can add programming topics as interest and it will become one of your most addictive websites for its really interesting suggestion.

4. Mental_Floss

Random interesting and amazing facts.

5. Plink

Make music with other people lives.

6. SNES Fun

Play SNES games in your browser!

7. GeoGuesser

This awesome websites gives you a random street view location and you have to guess where you are in the World. You can also share your map and challenge your friends.

8. Wonder How To

Learn impressive and useful things.

9. 2leep

Collection of bizarre blogs and articles.

10. Eyes In Space

Fly up to the space while you can look around.

11. Uncrate

The ultimate gadget guide for men.

12. Where Cool Things Happen

Daily resource for cool things.

13. Cracked

Source of bizarre and interesting lists.

14. The Onion

Satiric newspaper. Take nothing seriously on this site.

15. Ovguide

Ovguide is one of most addictive websites to search for a movie you want to watch or discover new ones.

16. Build With Chrome

Build anything with LEGO in your browser.


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